QUINCÉ (Joachim, Count of Quincé, also of the Holy Roman Empire, Governor of Guize and Domfront in SW Normandy)

Certificate of honourable service, in French with translation, saying that "Henri Gilbert, Squire, Sieur de la Guzardière, and Jean Baptiste Gilbert, Squire, Sieur de la Jaminière, his son, have always served His Majesty well on all occasions ... particularly in this last [year] when there have been several troubles and seditions in this and other neighbouring viscounties, in which they have ... freely exposed their lives for ... the State under our leadership, in executing the orders which we have received from His said Majesty", (Louis XIII, d. 14th May 1643), fair copy, stamped at Rouen with royal arms for revenue of 2 deniers, with the original draft signed by the Count , the latter with contemporary annotation in French "Certificate of services rendered to the King by the father and by the son", together 2 sides folio in a cardboard folder, titled and stitched, of c.1800, no place, 1st March

Under Louis XIII, the foreign policy of Richelieu (d. 1642) placed enormous tax burdens on the peasants, leading to many local insurrections. In 1639 it needed the army to suppress the 'Va-nu-pieds' (barefoot) in Normandy.
An old "note pour Mr. le Généalogiste" on the folder says that Henri Gillebert is styled Squire (écuyer), "even though this is before the letters patent of 1654".

Item Date:  1643

Stock No:  25661      £225

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