CALLAS (Maria, 1923-1977, American-born Greek Soprano and one of the most renowned opera singers of the twentieth century)

Fine photo with signature and date showing her as 'Medea' in Cherubini's Opera, she is shown full length in profile on stage, wearing a long black cloak with the signature and date mounted underneath, overal1 13" x 8" in mount 18" x 12", 1960, together with a page from the Illustrated London News of 13th June 1959 reporting on the Opera with a photo of her in the same costume but turning her face to the camera and a poster for a Gala Performance Concert of Medea at the Royal Festival Hall in her memory with the lead role sung by Grace Bumbry, 22" x 16", and another photo showing her in costume, 9" x 6", no place,

Item Date:  1960

Stock No:  33043      £975

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