BISMARCK (Otto von, 1815-1898, Prusso-German Statesman, Prince, 'The Iron Chancellor')

Clerk Written Letter Signed, in German with translation to Eduard Heinrich the Telegraph Supervisor telling him that his holiday pass has been cancelled and informing him "on the part of the Royal Embassy that your home leave pass has been denied by the Royal Interior Office and that is as a result of the circulated order by the Minister of Interior and War from the 30th April of this year according to which, until further notice, passes for foreign countries, home leave passes and discharge certificates may not be granted for the military or the territorial forces conscripted Prussian subjects ...", 1 side folio, Royal Prussian Embassy, St Petersburg headed paper, 8th June

Bismarck was made Ambassador to Russia in 1858. In 1862 Friedrich Wilhelm IV recalled him, to help when parliament refused to vote the money for the army. The King hesitated to make him a minister, as Bismarck demanded a free hand in foreign affairs. However, in September 1862, parliament threw out the Budget, the King felt he had no choice, and Bismarck was appointed Minister-President and Minister for Foreign Affairs. So began his long period in power.
Preuszische Gesandtschaft
in St. Petersburg
d. 8tn Juni 1859.
27tn Mai
Unter Remission Ihres Urlaubspasses werden Sie Seitens der Königlichen Gesandtschaft hierdurch benach-richtigt, daß Ihnen der Heimatsschein von der Königlichen Inneren Behörde verweigert worden ist und zwar in Folge der Zirculair-Verfügung des Herrn Minister des Inneren und des Krieges von 30tn April d. J. nachwelcher bis auf Weiteres, Auslandspässe, Heimatsscheine und Entlassungs-Urkunden für militair- oder landwehr pflichtige Preussische Unterthanen, nicht ertheilt werden dürfen.
v. Bismarck
den Telegraphen-Aufseher
Eduard Heinrich
NB. Jedem Gesuche an die Köngl. Gesandtschaft ist der unten
links stehende Buchstabe nebst Zahl beizufügen.
Prussian Embassy
in St. Petersburg
of the 8th June 1859.
27th May
Under remission of your holiday pass, you are hereby informed on the part of the Royal Embassy that your home leave pass has been denied by the Royal Interior Office and that is as a result of the circulated order by the Minister of Interior and War from the 30th April of this year according to which, until further notice, passes for foreign countries, home leave passes and discharge certificates may not be granted for the military or the territorial forces conscripted Prussian subjects.
v. Bismarck
the telegraph supervisor
Eduard Heinrich
N.B. Every request to the Royal Embassy needs to add the
below left standing letter together with the number

Item Date:  1859

Stock No:  39180     



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