MENUHIN (Sir Yehudi, 1916-1999, American Violinist and Conductor, 1st Baron)

Fine Typed Letter Signed ‘Yehudi’ to Dr Camille Honig saying that “no one can possibly take exception to the founding of a Martin Buber Society, but it is quite unrealistic to organise the kind of function you have in mind for the 23rd September: these things simply cannot happen that way. Everyone is already committed... for myself I am up to my eyes and ears in the Commonwealth Arts Festival... Incidentally in the clipping from Time magazine about Buber it is not quite correct to say that he was ‘Judaism’s first ecumenist, who revered Jesus as much as a Jew might’, for actually Constantin Brunner preceded him with his book Unser Christus...”, 1 side 4to., Upper Frognal Lodge, Hampstead, 27th October

Dr Camille Honig was one of the organisers of the World Jewish Congress and a member of its secretariat. He was a student of Sigmund Freud. Rabbi Stephen S. Wise invited him to America for a lecture tour. He wrote considerably on the psychology of race tensions and on the Jewish communities throughout the world. Martin Buber was an Austrian-Jewish and Israeli Philosopher.

Item Date:  1937

Stock No:  42454      £175

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