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PEPYS (Samuel, 1633-1703, English Diarist, Secretary of the Admiralty) together with the Earl of ANGLESEY (Arthur Annesley, 1614-1686, later dismissed for adverse criticism of the King's government), Henry Bennet ARLINGTON (1618-1685, Baron, CABAL member), Sir George CARTERET (1610-1680, Controller and later Treasurer of the Navy, Royalist Naval Officer, Vice-Admiral in the French Navy) and the Hon. HENRY COVENTRY (1619-1686, Secretary of State for the Northern Department)

Fine Clerk Written Letter Signed from the “Office of Lord High Admiral of England” addressed to Sir Stephen FOX (1627-1716, Statesman, Commissioner of the Treasury, Royal Administrator and Courtier to King Charles II, Paymaster-General) saying that His Majesty “hath been graciously pleased by his Order in Councill dated the 10th of this instant December made upon the Peticon of Judith Connely Relict of Capt William Connely... to give directions unto you to Pay unto the Peticoner the Gratuity allowed by his Majy to the Widows of such Land Officers as have been slayne in his Mats Service at Sea according to the Quallity her Husband served in, at the tyme of his death. These are in pursuance of his Mats said orders to Pray require you forthwith to Pay unto the Widow of the said Capt William Connely his Mats Bounty...”, with a clerk written receipt on the verso signed by Judith Connely stating that she has received “one hundred twenty three pounds four shill. for an allowance of 11 months pay... in Consideration of my husbands being Slaine at Sea”, 2 sides folio, Whitehall, 17th December

Item Date:  1673
Stock No:  42644      £3750

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