(George, Marquis, 1859-1925, Viceroy of India and Foreign Minister)
Fine Autograph Letter signed to Lady Moreton
saying “how kind of you to remember me. But alas I have been engaged for some time on the 23rd. I am so sorry...”, 1 side 8vo., 1 Carlton House Terrace headed paper, 7th June
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(Elizabeth, 1910-1992, Cookery Writer & Chef)
Autograph Letter Signed ‘Elizabeth’ to ‘Dear Marjorie’
saying that she had “been meaning to write to you for weeks and weeks to congratulate you on your Danish knighthood. I should certainly think you earned it. Was it fun? I am now an honorary doctor of Essex (!) university. I went to stay with my old friend Veronica Nicholson, who has a house at Finchingfield. Jim and Kit were staying with the Crittalls. John is some big potato on the University board. It was so nice to see him - it must be the first time for about 25 years...” with a postscript that her “sister Felicity is dreadfully ill in St Georges. Some kind of virus. A dangerous one...”, 2 sides postcard, 24 Halsey Street, London, 15th August
filing holes not affecting the text and a small smudge in t he ink.
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(Walter John, 1873-1956, Poet and Novelist)
Important Archive of six Long Typed Letters Signed with autograph salutations and subscriptions and some with postscripts and three Autograph Letters Signed to “Dear Rosemary” SISSON
(1923-2017, Dramatist and Novelist) largely written during 1950 while Sissons was a lecturer at UCL, 19 sides oblong 8vo., 4 South End House, Montpelier Road, Twickenham, 15th March 1950 to 15th October 1951 together with an Autograph Letter Signed from Sissons, signed ‘Rosemary’, saying that “since the day in 1931 when you sent me your Peacock’s Pie, I have always longed to be able to send you something in return, - however poor and slight...” the next sentence has been crossed through “I used to send you ridiculous rhymes in exchange for your magic poetry, but now all my poetry has...”, continuing “It is the child whom you delighted with the magic of your poetry who now sends you this children’s story which you have already seen, and to which you have already given your blessing, and which is already partly yours - I wonder how much? In the cobweb of this child’s mind, the most silver threads were yours...” with a postscript “To Ambrose’s literary godfather, and mine, with all grateful respect and affection”, 1 side A4, written on the back of a piece of typescript, no place, no date
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(Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield, 1804-1881, Prime Minister & Novelist)
Autograph envelope,front signed “B. Disraeli”,
addressed to “Miss Disraeli, Wadenham, H. Wycombe”, 5” x 5”, London, 2nd August
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(Gustave, 1833-1882, French Painter & Illustrator)
Fine carte-de-visite photo by NADAR signed and inscribed
“à Monsieur Lodi, souvenir sympathique” under the picture which shows him half length, seated in an elaborately frilled chair, 4¼” x 2½”, no place, no date
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